This MoMA commissioned project aims to redefine queer youth homeless care through the design of an identity-affirming salon and sensory therapy room as permanent installations at the Ali Forney Center’s new Times Square headquarters and drop-in center.

Incepted through an innovative, hands-on workshop with AFC youth and staff, the designs directly reflect the needs and imaginations of the people who will ultimately use the spaces.

Location  |  Times Square, NYC
Category  |  Institutional, Cultural
Client  |  The Museum of Modern Art and Ali Forney Center
Status  |  Complete [2024]

With Agency—Agency in collaboration with Chris Woebken Studio
Team  |  Tei Carpenter, Kelvin Lee, Chris Woebken, Saralee Sittigaroon

Ideation  |  Dae Artist, AFC 
Video  |  Jake Robbins/Public Assistants

Featured in Architectural Digest and MoMA Year in Review




1’=1” salon model                    




© 2024 Kelvin Cho-Wen Lee